
Cancer is the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells in the body. Old cells do not die and instead grow out of control, forming new, abnormal cells. These extra cells may form a mass of tissue, called a tumor.

Cancer is a complex, complicated condition. So if you have a cancer diagnosis, you want as many people as possible working together to treat you.

The exact mechanism of transformation of normal cells to become cancerous is still not known. However, several factors are known to produce cancer-like tobacco in the form of smoking and chewing, alcohol, radiation, asbestos, certain chemicals, excessive fat consumption, viruses, etc.

No, A lump can occur in any part of the body which may or may not contain cancer cells. Some of these lumps may grow to large sizes and produce ulcers. Because of this, they interfere with normal functions of nearby organs. However, they will not cause death and they can easily be removed by surgery and usually will not recur. They don’t spread to other parts of the body. Such tumours are known as Benign tumors ie. harmless tumours. Cancer also can occur as a lump or tumor. A cancer is known as a malignant tumor. It is characterized specially by its potential to spread to other sites and to infiltrate the organ.

Certain cancers are seen to occur in families. This does not mean that the disease has been transmitted from parent to children through genetic material. The same lifestyle usually run in families and this could as well be the reason. Scientists believe that if there is a hereditary component, its effect is indeed very little.

The diagnosis of cancer can be made only after a careful clinical examination and several laboratory tests ate required to accurately know the primary site of origin of cancer, type of cancer and to learn the extent of the spread of the disease. These are necessary for planning effective treatment. Identifying cancer cells with the help of a microscope in an aspirate of body issue or scrapings of fluids aspirated by a needle and syringe is called cytology. The examination of a piece of body tissue after processing is called biopsy and histopathology examination

One should know the warning signals of cancer. These need not always be due to cancer, but when a symptom is noted, promptly undergo a through medical examination by a competent physician or cancer specialist. Secondly, self-examination methods and periodic self examination of mouth and breast can detect many cancers in early or precancerous stages. In case of uterine cervix a simple cervical smear test high early detection.

It is recognized that some cancers can be prevented. Most mouth cancers can be prevented by not chewing tobacco and most lung and throat cancers can be prevented by not smoking. Certain cancers are produced by chemicals used in industry. If workers are protected against contact with such occupational factors, some cancers can be prevented.

A well balanced diet with less fat and more green leafy vegetables, citrus fruits, milk etc.can protect people. Above all, even though not all cancers are preventable, many deaths due to cancer can be prevented by early detection and proper treatment. A Knowledge of the warning signals of cancer helps one to get an early diagnosis and a successful treatment.


MBBS, MD (Medicine), DNB (Medical Oncology).

Medical Oncologist
For Appointment: +977- 9801191913